Friday, February 03, 2006


Today's word:

cancrine (KANG-krin) adjective

1. Reading the same backwards as forwards, palindromic. For example,
"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama." (letter cancrine)
"So patient a doctor to doctor a patient so!" (word cancrine)

2. Crab-like.

[From Latin cancr- (stem of cancer) cancer + -ine.]

J.S. Bach's Crab Canon is an example of cancrine music.

That's an interesting word. I don't know of any other examples of "cancrine" music. I suppose cancrine music would almost have to be simple, one-note-at-a-time stuff. Just trying to hum an example puts me in mind of Gregorian chant.

I wonder, can societies be "cancrine?"


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