Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Piercing commentary

Somebody sent me a video clip of Pierce Bush, the president's nephew, who appeared over the weekend on the Today show. (I can't recall ever actually watching the Today show, but that's not relevant here.)

Young Pierce, it seems, has written a letter to a Texas newspaper, commenting on the Dubai ports deal, and the professional journalists at NBC felt that the man might wish to expound for their millions of viewers. I hate TV.

I couldn't watch the whole thing, just the few minutes it took to experience the phantasmagoric weirdness of it. It felt like I had gone back in time to listen to George W., around 1970. Pierce looks remarkably like his uncle. Those beady little eyes seem to crop up everywhere along the Bush genealogical tree, like the Hapsburg Jaw.

Whatever he is, won't somebody please place this beer-bonging preppy back into the cupboard of privilege whence he crept?


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