Friday, May 26, 2006

Dictionary Safari

One of the reasons I love my new (old) 1961 Websters is the thrill of the hunt I get when idly flipping pages; I never know what might jump out at me. Here's a word I came across yesterday: "acroatic." (I suppose that's not a diphthong in the middle--what would you call that? Whatever it is, I love saying it: ACROATIC.)

"Acroatic" refers to deep learning, or instruction beyond the norm: "In graduate school, one can expect at least a few acroatic symposia."

According to the definition, the word derives from the Greek akroasthai, meaning "to hear." At first, I thought this must be unrelated to akro, meaning "high" or "extreme," but now, upon further reflection, I'm not so sure.

Finally, word mavens will like to know that "acroatic" can be used as a substitute for "abstruse."

Monday, May 22, 2006

History lesson

Rep. James Moran (D-Va.), recently: “We have the ability to be the Athens of the modern world, but we’re perceived as Sparta.”

Let's use the appearance of this unfortunate statement as an opportunity for everyone to brush up on his classical history.

In fact, it was Athens that was the imperial menace of the Aegean world, and people from the tip of the Peloponnese to the Ionian Coast and beyond loathed the city-state for its dominance. Only after its defeat at the hands of Sparta did Athens bloom as a center of philosophy.

Perhaps Moran secretly wishes us to lose the war on Terror!

Friday, May 19, 2006

George's Logic and the Best Darn Auxiliary You Ever Did See

It's been over a month since my last post, almost two months.

What spurred me to write today is something I heard George Stephanopoulos say recently. He said the president's 29 percent approval rating is "a good opportunity" for the White House.

Maybe he means it only in the most abstract falling down an elevator shaft is a good opportunity to flap your arms and fly.


A headline in my association's Ladies Auxiliary (called the Alliance nowadays, alas) newsletter: "Alliance Focuses On Male Members."

I swear, you can't make this kind of thing up.

Writing this reminds me of Woody Guthrie's "Ladies Auxiliary."

In the early '40s the head of the CIO's Ladies Auxiliary asked Guthrie to write a theme song for them. Right off the top of his head he belted out:

"Oh, the Ladies' Auxiliary is a good auxiliary.
It's the best auxiliary that you ever did see.
If you need an auxiliary, see the Ladies' Auxiliary.
It's the Ladies' Auxiliary."

Whenever anyone at a staff meeting mentions the Alliance, I start singing that song. I predict that the new boss, Bill, will be more appreciative than Dorothy was.